A different way of seeing everyday life
Telephone 07776 184967 Email info@shamanka.com
Eliana was a gifted Shamanka, Medicine Woman and Healer. She was considered to be the leading teacher of women's Shamanism and the recovering of the Feminine Principle. She founded her training school in the early Nineties, beginning with the Mystical Journey and followed by the Wise Woman workshops for six years. The Shamanka School of Women's Shamanism was established in 1990.
Eliana had a Celtic inheritance, she was steeped in Celtic lore from childhood. Her father was a noted pioneer of osteopathy in the UK, and was also a medical 'psychic', her mother was a healer and early Bach Flower practitioner.
The personal quest for Eliana began with Yoga which she has practiced and taught all her adult life. Apart from her original training in Acupressure and Chinese Medicine, she is also an initiate of the Western Sufi Healing Order with Hazrat Inayat Khan. However in the eraly nineties the Shamanic Path then became her major quest, beginning with Harley Swiftdeer of the Deer Tribe. Brooke Medicine Eagle, the Crow Blackfoot Medicine Woman, gave her permission to pass on some of her ceremonies. Her other significant teachers were Arwen Dreamwalker, Victor Sanchez from the Toltec tradition, Marilyn Tunneshende, from the Castaneda and Curendera path, and O'Shinnah the Cherokee crystal healing medicine woman. Eliana was honoured by John Twobirds, a Native Elder medicine man, who initiated her as a ceremonial pipe carrier and sweat lodge leader.
More recently Eliana had explored the Inka Traditions where she found a number of teachers including Inti Cesar Malasquz and Dr Alberto Villoldo of the Four Winds Society. She found this Andean cosmology to be a deeply feminine way of life and spirit. Recently she trained with the Andean Master Shaman Kurak Akulleq and Mystic Don Juan Nunez Del Prado and was initiated 4th level Paquo (Shaman).
The energy which is emerging for these times is one of enthusiastic group cooperation and support, so Shamanka has formed a team of wise, gifted and dedicated teachers of Shamanka who have fully trained with Eliana and explored other spiritual paths.
They have their own practices, shamanic healers and teachers. They have a passionate commitment to helping other women to discover their true essence by reclaiming the beauty and potency of their deep feminine.
They will be fully supporting each other and in turn know that each student deserves personal care on their journey, so are at the end of a phone or email.
The Training offers enriching and transformative processes, ceremonies and authentic initiations. All the processes are for personal growth and healing, then form part of the repertoire of the full range of shamanic healing practices for those who are called to become shamanic healers.
This Training is certificated and officially recognized for insurance purposes.
Staff Personel:
Aimee Smith
Samantha Flounders
Rowena Hillier
In 1990 she established ‘Shamanka’, still recognised as the only internationally known school dedicated uniquely to women’s shamanism.Her personal quest has been for the recovery and reweaving of ancient shamanic knowledge, and the hidden teachings of the women’s mysteries.
Women know how to weave. Since time immemorial we have sat together to weave not only cloth, but the beautiful web of life, as we share our stories, wisdom, knowledge, nurturing and our women’s magic.
In her work and teachings she explored three principal strands.
We invite you to share your own, beauty, power and feminine wisdom with other shamanka sisters and teachers.